Flipped Classroom FAQ


What do you mean by "flipped?"

Flipping a classroom means that students interact with the content for the first time outside of class (for example, as homework or instructional videos). Then, class time is used for more active learning that engages directly with the material and any points of confusion for the students. You can flip an entire course or a single class session.


In a math class, you may assign students an instructional video before class explaining the concept and a short, easy quiz to show they completed it. In class, you review anything about the topic that students found confusing, and then students work on sample problems in groups while you answer questions and offer guidance.

In a history class, you may have the students read and collectively annotate a text about a particular event. In class, you can bring up any key points of discussion from their annotations and be prepared to discuss the event in a broader historical context.

Why would I flip a class or assignment?

Flipped learning allows for more flexible, active learning. Benefits include:

  • Differentiating instruction by offering more ways to take in information
  • Giving students more control over how, when, and at what pace they learn
  • Providing more opportunities to assess student understanding and adjust or review
  • Freeing up class time for creative collaboration and active learning

When shouldn't I flip a class or assignment?

  • Flipping your class won't change the amount of material you can cover in a semester, so this is not an appropriate strategy to add more topics to your curriculum.
  • Starting to flip a class can take a lot of thought and work. Wait and flip your class when you think you have enough time to plan, execute, and prepare your students before it begins (ideally before the semester starts).
  • You may not want to flip your classroom if your class time is already filled with essential components of the course, like active discussion, activities, or a lab.

How do I get started with a flipped classroom?

Flipping a lecture

To flip a lecture, consider what information students will need from that lecture. Then create or find a resource that covers the same information asynchronously.

Flipping your lecture materials gives students more options for how and when they would like to learn, including using the resources multiple times or repeating sections that were confusing.

No matter what resources you provide, make sure you teach students how to engage with it, including any additional features you add to make it interactive (for example: fill-in-the-blank notes, quiz questions, concept maps or guides). If you choose to use videos, it's best to keep them short and focused on a single topic.



Flipping a discussion

To flip a discussion, provide the reading and a platform where students can respond to it, see each other's contributions, and respond to each other.

Making discussion asynchronous can give all the students the chance to respond even if they aren't willing or able to speak up in an in-class discussion. Just like in class, these discussions are best if the instructor is an active participant.



Flipping an assignment

To flip an assignment, give students or groups time in class to meet and strategize while you are there to guide their process. Students will benefit from having the instructor and other students around to gauge their own understanding.



Flipping an entire course

Flipping an entire course will likely mean using all of these strategies to move all of the initial content instruction outside of class and provide interactive class time.

Make sure your students understand your expectations and specifically how you would like for them to engage with the "flipped" materials. A great way to share your materials and organize the class is in Moodle, since students already use Moodle for the majority of classes and it has many features that make it easy to share resources and assignments.


Getting Equipment 

You can request equipment by submitting a Tech Ticket

Getting help

Want help with flipping part of your class? Contact Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship at dps@bucknell.edu.