Explain Everything FAQ

What is Explain Everything?

Explain Everything is an interactive whiteboard that is ideal for animating, annotating, and sharing digital documents. Most typically, Explain Everything is used at Bucknell to annotate notes for students and then share them later. It is also used extensively to annotate slides during instruction. The annotated slides and recording(s) can then be shared later if desired.

Why should I use Explain Everything?

Explain Everything has been a crucial tool for many faculty and students during the pandemic and continues to be a useful tool to preserve notes from class. When instruction went fully remote in 2020, many faculty relied on Explain Everything to create engaging, digital notes that students could access and review after class. While we are back to face-to-face instruction here at Bucknell, faculty are still relying on Explain Everything to create annotated notes and slides that don't disappear forever once the board is erased.

How do I get access to Explain Everything?

If you would like access to the Explain Everything @ Bucknell license, please complete the Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Software Request Form.

What resources are available for Explain Everything?

Explain Everything Webinars - Filter by type, education level, and other topics.

  • Video
  • Collaboration
  • Broadcasting

Step by Step Guides - Learn the basics, then proceed to the essentials course.

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