Mediaspace, My Media Upload & Publishing Guide

Information on Using Mediaspace to Upload videos and Share with others.


Using an internet browser, go to:


Click the Login button in the upper right hand corner. (You must be logged into MyBucknell, if you are not you will be prompted to do so)


Click Add New and choose Media Upload.


Click "Choose a file to upload" or simply drag your media file into the window.


Select your media from your computer, Navigate to your file and click Open. :
Windows File Selection Window       Mac File Selection Window


Fill in the various fields on the upload page (for example, Name, Description, etc.).

Please rename your file with a descriptive name, example: username_assignment_version.

NOTE: Please do not use long names or non-alphanumeric characters in your title (e.g., $%@). Mediaspace likes short titles without a lot of characters. You may notice long upload times if your title is too lengthy. If you experience this, rename your title.

Upload window in Mediaspace


You must add tags to your file, such as: course number, instructor name, assignment name. (You cannot not skip this step.)

*** In order to publish content that will be shared with others, you MUST include a minimum of 3 unique tags***


Make sure to select a sharing preference for your media. The default share is Private which will only be visible to you. Additional options include:

  • Private - Only you Can see and have access to the video
  • Unlisted - Anyone with the link (generates a URL) will be able to see, however it will not be publicly broadcast to Bucknell users.
  • Published -  Publicly broadcasts to Bucknell users.

Selecting privacy options upon Media upload in Mediaspace


Then check the box to agree to Bucknell’s Appropriate Use Policy. You will not be able to Publish your video if this is not checked.


Click Save


Adding media to your channel


Under your Name, you will see an option for My Channels. View which Channels are yours or create a new one, and within your channel. 


Click the +Add to Channel button that appears on the right side of the screen. You will then be able to select check-boxes from the media within your My Media list. Or Select the ADD NEW button and upload new media.


If uploading new Media to a channel, fill in the required fields, and then click Save.

Complete all required fields image for completing upload


Your video should now appear in the channel.



Select the video you wish to embed into your website, and under the video, select the Share option


Cope the oEmbed code & go to your Page editor in Wordpress


Within Wordpress, Select a page to edit, find the the section you wish your video to appear, and then select the plus button in the upper left corner.


Select the “Insert from URL” option in the editor, paste your code into the box, and then hit enter.


See our Kaltura FAQ for creating clips, trimming your video, and creating channels in Mediaspace.

If you have questions about using Mediaspace, please contact

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