This article assumes that you have recorded a class session with Zoom, and you have saved that recording to your local computer. You will have a file with a name that will most likely look like this: Zoom_0.mp4. As the Zoom Help Center explains:
By default, all recordings will be placed in a Zoom folder found in the following file path on these devices:
If you have saved the recording to the cloud instead, you can download the recording as follows:
- Go to https://bucknell/, and click on the "Sign in" button.
- Click on the recordings menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
- In the row for the recording that you want, click on the "More" button on the far right of that row, and click on the "Download (3 files)" link. (Note that you might not have three files, if there wasn't any text chat.) You can save each file to your computer as they download.
- The three typical files represent the text of the main chat (as a txt file), a video recording (mp4) file, and a transcript (vtt) file. The video recording will have a date and time stamp, a shortened version of your title, and screen dimensions (horizontal number x vertical number), along with that MP4 dot extension.
Once you have some kind of video or audio file on your computer (whether from Zoom or from another source), you have two different ways to add that video to your Moodle course:
- You can upload the video to Mediaspace first, following the "upload" part of this "Mediaspace, My Media Upload & Publishing Guide (link opens in new window)." After you have added the video/audio file to your My Media collection on Mediaspace, you can then follow these directions to "Add a recorded lecture" (link opens in new window) to your Moodle course.
- You can do those two steps at the same time, by adding a "Kaltura Video Resource" to your Moodle course.
Below are instructions for that option #2, in which you upload the video to Mediaspace and add it to your Moodle course all at the same time, from within Moodle:
- Go to Moodle at (link opens in new window) and click on the link for your course in the "Current Course List" module on the right-hand side of the screen.
- If the Edit Mode is currently off, click on the "Turn editing on" button at the top-right corner of your window to allow you to make changes to the course content:
- Once you decide which topic area in your course will contain the video, move your mouse to the bottom-right corner of that topic block, and click on the “Add an activity or resource” link:
- Within the grid of possible Resources and Activities (arranged in alphabetical order), scroll down until you find the button for Kaltura Video Resource, click on that button:
- Type in the name of the video (in the Name field), and click on the "Add Media" button:
- Moodle will open a pop-up window and connection to our Kaltura video library. (It could take a bit of time for that window to load, since we have such an extensive video collection.) The collection that appears by default is your "My Media" collection, which contains all the videos that you have personally recorded and uploaded to Mediaspace. Since you will be uploading a new video/audio file to that collection, click on the "+Add New" button at the top-right of the screen, and then click on the "Media Upload" link:

- You will see an "Upload Media" window like the one pictured below. If you have the folder open on your computer where your video file is saved, you can drag and drop the file into the hashed rectangle, or you can click on the "+ Choose a file to upload" button to navigate to the folder on your computer to select that video file. Please note that if you are indeed working with a Zoom recording saved locally on your hard drive, your file will be saved in C:\Users\User Name\Documents\Zoom (for a Windows PC) or /Users/User Name/Documents/Zoom (for a Mac):

- You are actually uploading your video file to Mediaspace as this part of the process. When your video uploads, Mediaspace will put the title of the video in the "Name" field, and you'll want to change the name to something more meaningful. You may want to add tags as well, to help you search for the video if you want to use it again at another point. When you are done adding that information, click on the "Save and Embed" button at the top right of the of the screen:

- The "Upload Media" window will close, and you may see an image indicating that your recording is processing. That processing will occur behind the scenes, as Mediaspace readies your video for viewing. At this point, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the "Save and return to course" button.
- You will see a link to the video in the topic area where you originally clicked on that "Add an activity or resource" link: