Articles (19)

Does L&IT have any recommendations for e-readers?

Many library resources are available as e-books. L&IT has published a document that provides some good information regarding what type of e-readers are recommended. Click this article for more information.

How do I access myBucknell from the Bucknell mobile app?

Instructions for accessing myBucknell through the mobile app

How do I find the MAC address of my device so I can register it on the IoT network?

In order to use your device (smart TV, Roku, Echo, streaming device, etc.) on Bucknell's IoT network, you must first register the device's MAC address. This article lists many of the most common devices and how to obtain the MAC address.

How do I register a device on the bucknell_iot wireless network?

If you have a gaming system, a smart TV, a streaming video system, or anything else that needs to connect to a network but doesn’t allow you to add it to the wireless network, you will need to connect to the bucknell_iot network.

How do I secure my Android phone?

These instructions provide an overview of setting up these features on a generic Android phone.

How do I set up Bmail and Calendar on a mobile device?

Instructions for setting up bmail and calendar on an iphone or ipad.

How do I set up my Android phone to check Bmail and use the Calendar?

Instructions for adding bmail and calendar to an android phone.

How do I transfer content from an old iPhone to a new iPhone?

Instructions for transferring content from an old iPhone to a new iPhone.

How do I update my cell phone in B-Alert?

B-Alert is the campus emergency notification system. In the event of an emergency, B-Alert will notify faculty, staff, and students via text message, email, and phone call.

How do I use my biometric information to log into Workday mobile app?

You can use your fingerprint or facial recognition to log into Workday.

Will Google Home be implemented along with Amazon Echo?

Answer to question, will Google Home be implemented on campus.