Computer Replacement FAQ

Faculty & Staff Computer Replacement FAQ

The faculty and staff computer replacement process starts soon! Library & IT replaces 25% of the faculty and staff computers each year.

Am I up for a computer replacement this year?

Computer Replacement Schedule: check if your department is scheduled for computer replacement this year.

What are the computer specifications this year?

Review recent Mac and Windows hardware models and specifications.

What is the standard software?

Review the Standard Software.

Mac: What is the computer replacement process for Mac?

Getting a Mac? Take a look at the Mac Computer Replacement Process.

Windows: What is the computer replacement process for Windows?

Getting Windows? Take a look at the Windows Computer Replacement Process.

Linux: What is the computer replacement for Linux?

Getting Linux? Check with ECST for more information about how your computer replacement will work.

Additional Information:

USB-C Monitor

If you received a usb-c monitor, take a look at the USB-C Monitor FAQ to find features and connections guide. 

Do you have additional questions?

Still have questions? Your Technology Liaison will help guide you and your department through the request and replacement process.