What Instructional Technology is available at Bucknell?


A listing of academic technology available at Bucknell and supported by Library & IT.


Instructional Technology at Bucknell is loosely defined as any technology used for the purpose of teaching and learning and supported by Library & Information Technology. This article will provide an updated list of the Instructional Technology available and links to our internal documentation/help resources.


Collaboration & Interaction

  • Connect with students through synchronous video conferencing.
  • Engage your class with real-time polling.
  • Highlight student work and promote peer review of creative works.
  • Create asynchronous discussions that encourage active learner participation.



Moodle is our course management system (also called a Learning Management System or LMS) here at Bucknell. You can use Moodle to provide an online “home” for your course, uploading course-related files into a place where students can easily find those documents using any Internet-capable device.

Moodle Quick Start Guide



Replit is an online, collaborative IDE with over 50 languages available. It works in your browser, integrates with GitHub, and is the ideal place to assign, review, and work on code-based assignments with your students.

Replit FAQ



Zoom is webconference or videoconference software that allows meeting participants to see each other, talk to each other, type in a chat window, share their computer screen, share documents or an application, and record meetings. Zoom has an installed application that all meeting participants can install on their computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Zoom FAQ


iClicker & iClicker Cloud

iClicker and iClicker Cloud are tools designed to engage your students during synchronous instruction (some asynchronous features are available with iClicker Cloud). iClickers are physical remotes that allow students to provide real-time, multiple-choice answers to questions that you pose in class. iClicker Cloud is the mobile version, where instead of a physical remote, students are able to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).

iClicker & iClicker Cloud FAQ



Perusall is a social engagement platform that allows faculty and students to annotate text, podcasts, videos, images, or other materials in a collaborative environment. You can upload your own materials, or Perusall has a textbook system where students can get access codes for textbooks that will then be embedded into the platform for annotation and reflective exercises.

Perusall FAQ


Assessment & Evaluation

  • Embed quizzes within lecture videos.
  • Create tests that randomly draw from question pools.
  • Utilize rubrics to help with grading student work.
  • Grade handwritten, complex notation online.
  • Deliver quizzes and polling on the fly to assess learning.


Gradescope is a tool designed to streamline the grading and feedback process for paper-based, digital, and code assignments. It works particularly well with handwritten complex notation, but can also facilitate multiple choice assessments. In Gradescope, students can upload handwritten paper problem sets that are then graded by the instructor in an online interface.

Gradescope FAQ



Moodle has various features that allow you to determine how well students are understanding your course content and satisfying the learning outcomes you have developed for your course.  They fall into two general categories: assignments that students can submit to the course (in multiple forms) and quizzes/tests to assess student learning.

Assessing Student Learning in Moodle
Creating Assignments in Moodle
Creating Quizzes in Moodle



Qualtrics is a survey creation and reporting tool commonly used for academic and administrative research purposes.

Qualtrics Survey Support
On Demand Training for Qualtrics Core XM


Digital Media and Scholarship

  • Create and Edit engaging videos from your computer.
  • Store all of your videos for easy integration into your course.
  • Ensure that all students have equal access to content with high-quality captions.
  • Author engaging instructional materials and research
  • Collaborate online with LaTeX

Explain Everything

Explain Everything is an interactive whiteboard app that allows you to draw, present, create videos, and collaborate with others. Explain Everything is useful for creating and recording instructional videos and interacting via remote collaborative whiteboards. We have a limited number of seats available. If you would like to get access to Explain Everything, please contact Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship (dps@bucknell.edu)

Take a video tour of Explain Everything


Kaltura & Mediaspace

Kaltura and Mediaspace are references to an online media-streaming server that hosts Video / Audio / and Image content within the Bucknell domain. Mediaspace is our web interface, and Kaltura is the parent company of Mediaspace. Kaltura / Mediaspace are available to all Bucknell users: Students, Faculty and Staff.

Kaltura & Mediaspace FAQ



WordPress is a fully featured web blogging and content management system for hosting your content on the web. WordPress can be used for a personal website, project space, classroom site, and many other things.

WordPress FAQ
Log in to Bucknell Blogs to get started using WordPress.



Overleaf is a cloud-based LaTeX editor commonly used in higher education for scholarship, publishing, and collaboration. Overleaf is similar in many ways to something like Google Docs, but is a much more feature rich platform that enables high-quality typesetting. Overleaf is very often used in technical and scientific documents, but it is also used to create templates for dissertations, journal submissions, and many other applications.

Overleaf FAQ


Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud is a collection of multimedia applications that range from professional photo and video editing, to graphic design, web development and animation. The entire suite of applications are available to Faculty and Staff for free with up to 2 simultaneous logins per device, and all students have access to the entire cloud suite when using labs located throughout the library and campus.

See what applications are available under Adobe Creative Cloud.