Replit FAQ

Please note: Teams for Education is no longer available and all data will be deleted after August 1, 2024. To keep data you have in Replit Teams for Education, you must use the in-app export tool as described in the PDF of instructions attached to this article.

Students can export their assignments from Replit using the "Export" button at the top of the team page.

Replit is removing the Teams for Education tool, so Bucknell L&IT will not have the ability to recover any data or course materials that you have saved in Replit. If you have questions or concerns about your data, contact Replit at

What is Replit?

Replit is an online, collaborative IDE with over 50 languages available. It works in your browser, integrates with GitHub, and is a great place to assign, review, and work on code-based assignments with your students, especially in introductory courses.


Why use Replit?

Using Replit helps instructors view, run, and debug code-based assignments with their students. It provides a convenient platform for distributing starter code, assignments (individual and group), and feedback without requiring students to download Python or an IDE on their own device. You can also host and deploy your own projects using Replit.

Replit works with more than 50 languages, so the software should be usable regardless of the language you and your students are learning.

Replit is most appropriate for introductory level programming needs. Some of the features that make it convenient to use in a browser also obscure features of programming languages that are necessary for more advanced work.

How do I get access to Replit?

Accounts for Replit are free, you do not need to submit a software request or ask L&IT for access. 

Please note: As of November 15, 2023, Replit Teams for Education is no longer available. You cannot create new teams for receive updates from Replit for currently active teams.

What happened to Replit for Education?

As of November 15, 2023, Replit is deprecating Teams for Education and will no longer provide updates and bug fixes. You will not be able to create new Teams after this date. You can continue to use existing Teams until August 1, 2024, when all data and access will be deleted.

For more information from Replit about the deprecation and transition, see their blog post outlining the process: Update on Teams for Education

In March 2024, Replit will provide users of Teams for Education with documentation for downloading your data and transferring materials.  If you use Replit for instruction, we recommend moving to a new platform starting in Spring 2024. If you would like help finding a new platform or redesigning a Replit course, please email Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship at

Where can I find help with Replit?

If you are new to Replit, we recommend you check out their introduction videos:

Replit also provides documentation:

Email to ask questions or request help from Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship.

Looking for ideas on how to use Replit in your course(s)?

Check out the Replit catalog of recorded sessions.

Browse the Replit Curriculum Hub with pre-built projects and lesson plans that you can import into your own teams.

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Article ID: 529
Fri 8/20/21 2:19 PM
Fri 4/19/24 3:32 PM