Alumni Account FAQ

Student to Alumni Account Transition

Current student accounts transition to alumni accounts as outlined in the Graduating Students and Alumni Account FAQ

Multi-factor Authentication

As of July 2022, all alumni accounts are required to use Duo Security for multi-factor authentication. Any alumni accounts that have not enabled Duo by July 2023 will be disabled. See below for account recovery or deletion information.

Inactive Alumni Accounts

Effective immediately, alumni accounts that have been inactive for more than one year will be locked. Once an account is locked, you cannot log into the account and it will not receive any incoming mail, but existing data will be retained.

For an account to be considered active, one or more of the following must have occurred within the past year:

  • A login to Bmail on the web
  • A login from a Gmail app on a mobile device
  • Use of the Bmail account for “Sign in with Google” to sign in to a third-party app or service
  • Reset of the Bucknell password

In addition, any account that is set up to forward mail to a valid email address will not be deactivated.

Account Recovery or Deletion

After an account has been locked for one year (meaning it has been inactive for at least 2 years), it will be deleted.  When the account is deleted, all data will be removed and will not be recoverable.  The earliest any account will be deleted is July 15, 2024.

Library & IT can unlock the account (in the first year) or recreate it (after 2 years) upon request, after verification of identity. If the account was deleted it will be recreated with the same email address, but no data will be restored.  To request reinstatement of your account, contact the Bucknell Tech Desk at or 570-577-7777 and identify that you are a Bucknell alumna/us with a Bmail account.

Storage Limitations

Until recently, Google Workspace for Education (the platform on which Bmail runs) included unlimited storage for Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. However, Google has announced it will end unlimited storage. 

After careful consideration, Bucknell University has determined that it is no longer viable to continue to support unlimited storage for alumni. As a result, Google will be limited to 15 GB total for Bucknell alumni accounts on May 15, 2024. If you currently have greater than 15 GB your Bucknell account you must remove sufficient items to be below 15 GB before that date.

This does not affect the ability to use your email address. However, Library & IT must limit the amount of storage available to each account. L&IT currently plans to allow account holders to store up to 15GB, equal to what Google offers with its public Gmail accounts.  This limit is subject to change at any time.

Please complete the steps above as soon as possible. As of May 15, 2024 all alumni will need to find a new storage solution for any files in excess of 15GB.

Alumni Forwarding Address

Some alumni who received the message about changes to alumni email accounts may have only been using an alumni forwarding address, rather than the whole Bmail account. If you have an address, that email has a whole email account attached to it! You are welcome to begin using the whole email account. To begin accessing your account, complete the following steps:

Appropriate Use Policy

Alumni access to Bucknell accounts and systems is subject to the Appropriate Use Policy.

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