Eligible Bucknell University faculty and staff can download professional Adobe applications (full list at What Adobe applications are available under Adobe Creative Cloud?) using Adobe Creative Cloud.
NOTE: These instructions will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please close all open applications and then begin installing Creative Cloud. You may need to login to Creative Cloud several times. Please be patient!
NOTE: If you have an older, outdated version of a Creative Cloud application, you must follow these instructions to obtain a current, licensed version.
To set up Creative Cloud, please refer to the following steps:
- Some computers will already have Adobe Creative Cloud installed - look in your list of applications for Adobe Creative Cloud. If you have it installed, open it and start on Step 3.
- For your Bucknell owned computer from off campus (or for your personal computer at home): Install Creative Cloud from the Adobe website.
- Click on the Sign In link in the top right corner of the page
- Type your complete Bucknell email address (NOT your friendly email alias). Press Continue.

- Select Company or School Account on the next screen.

- On the Bucknell CAS sign-in page, enter your Bucknell credentials (i.e., username and password). Do not enter your whole email address or friendly email alias.

- After you have been authenticated, you will be directed to Adobe Creative Cloud, where you can install Adobe applications.

- Click "Install" on any of the applications that you wish to install on your computer. You have now finished working through the Adobe Creative Cloud Installer.
Note: Adobe Creative Cloud automatically updates any applications you have installed when the app is started and can take a while to become usable. Please know that any updates that are installed are always highly necessary due to the complexity of Adobe software. Thank you for staying patient!
Note: Eligible faculty and staff are full- or part-time employees who are employed directly by Bucknell University, and not a third-party contractor. Students who work part-time for the University are not considered eligible employees.