How can I learn Python?


Python is a popular, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language used in many disciplines. 

Training Videos and Textbooks

There are many resources online for learning Python on your own:


LinkedIn Learning (free using your Bucknell login) has several video series for learning Python:



  • A Byte of Python - a free online book on programming in Python for beginners.
  • Real Python - a free online learning platform for learning Python programming skills.
  • O'Reilly Python textbooks (online) - popular textbook for teaching Python. Access to the online versions is free through the Bucknell Library. Make sure that you log in through the library by using the link provided here or clicking on "O'Reilly Learning Platform" in the Library's A-Z Databases.
  • openstax Introduction to Python Programming - free online textbook that goes through beginner concepts and provides interactive code exercises.
  • The Carpentries are a series of learning modules about data and computational skills. They host hands-on workshops, and their lessons and practice materials are freely available on their website.
  • Official Python documentation and tutorials - the written instructions and descriptions for how to use Python, written by the creators of the language.



Bucknell's Dominguez Center for Data Science offers workshops in data-related topics like Excel, Python, data wrangling and visualization. Check their website for up-to-date information about Python workshop offerings: Data Science Workshops.

For a more advanced curriculum, there are courses that teach programming as part of several departments at Bucknell, including but not limited to Computer Science, Engineering, Business Analytics, and Comparative & Digital Humanities.


Installing Python

If you want to get started, you can either download Python and a code editor onto your computer, or you can use a browser-based coding environment (or IDE, integrated development environment). 

If you would like to code in the browser without installing anything, we recommend starting with Google Colab, which is included as part of your Bucknell Google account. Learn more about Colaboratory in their Welcome Notebook.

If you would like to install Python on your own computer, there are many options, including the official Python downloads or the popular data-science focused Anaconda Python distribution. Once you have Python installed on your computer, you may want a text editor to help you write code. While there are many options here too, a popular one that works for any operating system is Visual Studio Code.


What about other programming languages?

Depending on your discipline and purpose, you may want to learn a programming language other than Python. Contact us for help with a specific language, or check out our Library Guides to get started:


How can I find help?

For help learning Python or other programming languages, attend the Dominguez Center for Data Science's variety of office hours and consulting support: DCDS Support