If your computer is completely up to date, it is likely an incorrect password being stored in your KeyChain.
If you have a Mac, run the Printer Unavailable Issue Fixin Self-Service.
1. Search the Spotlight for Self Service
2. Sign in with your Bucknell Credentials
3. Install the Printer Unavailable Issue Fix

If the issue is not resolved, try the fixes below.
Refresh the print job
Refresh to be sure the login screen is not behind other windows
Delete KeyChain
- Click on the spyglass icon and type KeyChain Access.
- When KeyChain Access appears, double-click it.

- In the window that pops up, type the building code (Example: "Vaug", "Cole", "Holm", etc.) in the search bar in the upper right
- If you do not see the printer name in Local Items, click on login and try searching the building code again.

- Control-click (or right click) on it and select Delete.

- Try to print again, and see if you are prompted for a username & password; supply your Bucknell username & password
- Check the box to remember my password. This will create a new KeyChain entry.