How do I connect to Netspace from a Mac?

Bucknell-Owned or Personal Mac

Before You Start:

Before starting, check to be sure that you are:

  • Connected to the wireless network; or

  • Connected to a wired Bucknell connection; or

  • Connected through the VPN to the Bucknell network if you are off-campus. (How to install and connect to the VPN)

You cannot connect to Netspace from the bucknell_guest wireless network.

Connect to Netspace on Mac

  1. Start by double-clicking on Finder and selecting Connect to Server.
  2. If there is nothing in the server name field, type one of the following:
    • smb://$ (replace username with your Bucknell username)
    • smb://
    • smb://
    • smb://
    • smb://

      Note: You can click on the + sign to add anything that you type to your list of favorite servers.
  3. When you are prompted for your username and password, be sure to change the username to your Bucknell username (abc123) and use your Bucknell password.

Classroom and Lab Mac

  1. Log into the classroom or lab mac
  2. Once logged in, click on the Bucknell B icon in the menu bar
  3. If your user name appears above, select Netspace
    • If it says Sign In, then click on the Bucknell B icon again. 
  4. Click on Connect
  5. Your netspace drive will open once connected. 
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