How do I sign into Google Chrome?

If you login to Google Chrome with your Bucknell account, you will automatically have access to some settings and extensions, including Read&Write Gold for Chrome.

  1. Find the  symbol at the top right corner of your Chrome web browser. It is located below the close button on the title bar.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. From the first field select SIGN IN TO CHROME option.

  4. In the new window put your full Bucknell email address including

  5. You will then be directed to a page to enter your username again in the format you used above                                                                                                                              
  6. This will direct you to the Bucknell login page where you use your Bucknell credentials to login.

  7. This will take you to this screen

    Here you can select Link data/Create a new profile according to your choosing
  8. Wait for a few moments for this dialog box to appear and select OK, GOT IT! 
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Fri 1/10/20 12:14 PM
Mon 3/2/20 1:23 PM