Faculty & Staff Computer Replacement Overview


Faculty & staff computer replacement overview includes replacement cycle, requesting a computer, computer replacement schedule, computer specifications, and the replacement process for both Windows and Mac.


Primary workstations (desktops and laptops) for eligible faculty and staff are typically replaced on a rotating four year replacement cycle. The computer replacement schedule, included below, identifies which departments will receive new primary workstations each year.

Tenure track and tenured faculty may request a computer appropriate to their software, teaching, and research needs - Mac, Windows, or Linux; desktop or laptop. Tenured and tenure track faculty computers will match the department standard specifications.

Visiting faculty will receive a redeployed Windows laptop.  If a visiting faculty member will be using software that does not run in Windows for their teaching, they can request a redeployed Mac, pending availability.

Staff may request a Windows desktop or laptop.  A staff member who requests a Mac will need to provide a list of software, necessary for their position, that does not run on a Windows computer.

Schedule and computer specifications:

Computer Replacement Schedule

Faculty & Staff Standard Computer Specifications


Windows Computer Replacement Process

Mac Computer Replacement Process




Article ID: 63
Thu 11/21/19 1:42 PM
Mon 3/2/20 11:34 AM