Bucknell-owned Machines
Due to security policies, Bucknell-owned machines will need to have administrative rights prior to following the instructions below. Find Make Me Admin in programs and select Grant Me Administrator Rights.
Update FollowMe Printer Drivers on Windows
In late July 2018, the drivers to the FollowMe printers were updated. Unfortunately, this is not done automatically, and requires your action if you are printing directly to the FollowMe printer queue. (If you are using the webprint service, you do not need to install any drivers.) This article will guide you through the process of updating your FollowMe printer drivers on the Windows operating system.
- If you do not know if you need to update your drivers, you can check by going to the Start Menu, and clicking "Settings" (the gear icon).

- Then, click on "Devices".

- If you see printer drivers that have "printrelease" in the name, please continue following this article to replace these drivers with the most current version.

- To install the new printer drivers, open File Explorer, and click "This PC" in the sidebar.

- Then, double-click on the "N" drive.

- Double-click on the "applications" folder.

- Double-click on the "Set up Follow-Me Printers" folder.

- Double-click on "Update FollowMe Printers". If, however, you receive an error message, then right-click on the icon, and select "Run as administrator".

- When the following window appears, click "Proceed".

- The installer will run in the background for a minute or two. Once it is done, click "OK" on the following window:

And that is it! You are now ready to begin printing directly to the Follow-Me printing service.
If you so desire, you can verify that the new printer drivers have been installed by following steps 1 through 3. You should see the following screen: