How do I submit a video file to a Kaltura Media Assignment in a Moodle course?

These instructions assume that you have a video file saved to your computer, and you are trying to upload that video file to a "Kaltura Media Assignment" in your Moodle course.  You may not realize that your professor is using an Kaltura Meida Assignment for that particular video assignment, but the icon will look like this:  Kaltura Media Assignment Icon

To upload your video file to that Kaltura Media Assignment:

  1. Click on the link for the assignment in your Moodle course.
  2. Click on the "Add media submission" button:
    Add media submission 
  3. Your browser will open a new window.  It may not have any videos listed there if you have never uploaded any video files to Mediaspace, which is our video server for the Bucknell community.  Click on the "Add New" button in the top-right corner, and click on "Media Upload" in the menu that will drop down:
    Add New Video - Media Upload
  4. You will see an "Upload Media" window.  You can drag and drop your video file into that window, or you can click on the "Choose a file to upload" button to select the file from the hard drive of your computer.
  5. While the file is uploading, add a name for the video.  You can enter a description if you want.  In the "Tags" section, you will need to add at least three tags for the video.  You can hit the "comma" key on your keyboard to finalize each tag as you finish typing it. 
  6. Once you have entered that information, click on the "Save and Embed" button at the top-right corner of the screen:
  7. Save and Embed Video
  8. The window where you entered information about your video will close.  Within your Moodle browser window, you may see a screen that says that the video is bring processed.  Click on the "Submit media" button at the bottom of the screen to submit your video file to the Kaltura Media Assignment:
    Submit media button
  9. Moodle should give you a "Success" message that says that your assignment has been submitted.  Click on the "Continue" button to finalize your submission:
    Continue Button
  10. You should see a screen with your Assignment title and a video window with a play arrow.  That allows you to view the video that you submitted to the assignment (if you wish).  You can use the breadcrumb trail at the top of the screen to return to the main page for your course:
    Bread Crumb Trail