How do I create a website?

Faculty and staff may wish to create a web page to share information about their scholarship, research, or teaching. If you'd like to create a website, you can do so easily using Bucknell's WordPress instance or Google Sites. You can also use Moodle for a course page. (Note; students can also create websites through WordPress or Sites.)

If you want to create a searchable professional profile of your publications, you might consider creating a Selected Works Profile page as part of Bucknell's Digital Commons Institutional Repository. In the Links section on the left-hand side of that page, you can click on Create a SelectedWorks Page to create an account with bepress. Once you have created the account, you can add your profile (and publications) to our digital repository.

NOTE: Official pages, such as Bucknell University's home page or a departmental pages, such as Biology, are created and maintained by Communications. Please contact Communications if you have questions about an official website for the university or a department.


WordPress is a robust website builder and content management system that you can use to create professional web pages. If you choose to be part of the "Bucknell Scholar" domain, your website will have a URL that ends with "," as in "" (for example). To begin creating your WordPress site, navigate to Bucknell Blogs, and click the "Login" button in the center of the page.

For assistance, go to the WordPress FAQ or our other articles about WordPress.

Google Sites

Google Sites is a simple website builder that is included as part of your Bucknell Google account. To get started using Google Sites, use the How to use Google Sites tutorial from Google.


If you are a faculty member, you may choose to use Moodle to create an online presence for your classes.