How do I find my courses in Moodle?

We used to have a "My Courses" drop-down menu at the top of the Moodle screen, which displayed a long list of courses, but not hidden courses and not necessarily courses from the current semester.  Unfortunately, an update to our theme removed that "My Courses" functionality.
That change is actually a blessing in disguise, because the best way to view your current courses is to use the "Current Course List" module on the right-hand side of the main Moodle page.  It has a "Current courses" category that lists only the current semester's courses, making those courses much easier to find.  The "Current Course List" module has other course categories as well ("Advising," Majors," "Other courses," etc.), grouping courses into easy-to-find lists. 
To see the Current Course List module, you need to have the  "Block drawer" (on the right-hand side of the main Moodle page) open.  That "Block drawer" can be sometimes collapsed by default, particularly if you are viewing Moodle on a smaller screen. 
If your "Block drawer" is closed, you will see a left-facing arrow on the right-hand side of the main Moodle page that you can click on to open the "Block drawer":
Open Block Drawer
Once you open the Block drawer, you will see the Current Course List module just below the Logged in User block:
Current Course List Module
Please email if you have any questions about Moodle.