Zoom Emergency Location FAQ

How do I set my emergency location?

  • Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  • In the navigation menu, click Phone.
  • Click the Settings tab.
  • In the Emergency Addresses section, click Manage then select one of these options to change your emergency address:
    • Follow default company address: Select the default emergency address for your account or site.
    • Choose a company address: Select a current emergency address added by your admin.
    • Choose a personal address: Click Manage to add a personal emergency address.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

How do I turn location services on the computer? 

How To Turn On Location Services For Zoom Phone on Windows?

How do I turn on location services on my Mac?

How do I test my emergency location?

Once you set your emergency location, please dial 933 from your Zoom Phone. This is a test number and will read back your location as well as show your location above your dial pad in Zoom Phone. If the location is different from what you entered in the portal, contact the phone office immediately.