As a way to personalize your Moodle display, you can upload a photo into your profile that will then display in the top corner of the screen, in the list of participants in a course, and within Moodle's internal messaging system. This article assumes that you already have a self-portrait photo that is ready to be uploaded into Moodle, as follows:
- Log in to Moodle at
- Your name will be listed in the top-right corner of the screen. Mouse over your name, and click on the "Edit profile" link:

- Scroll down to the "User picture" area. You can drag an image file into the hashed rectangle, or you can click on the "Add file" icon at the top-left corner of that "New picture" box to begin the process of uploading your file:

Note: If you clicked on the "Add file" icon (rather than dragging and dropping your file into the selection box), you will see the file picker window just below. Click on the "Browse" button to find the file on your hard drive, and then click on the "Upload this file" button to upload the file to the Moodle server:

The file you selected will appear in the "New picture" box. Scroll down to the bottom of the page (if necessary), and click on the "Update profile" button:

When you are returned to User preferences page, you will see your picture in the top-right corner of the screen. You can click on the "Home" button at the top left to return to the main Moodle page.