NOTE: SSH access is restricted to a specific access list. If you have trouble logging in and aren't sure if you're on the access list, please submit a ticket to request access.
Setting up web pages on the Engineering web server involves logging into a Linux system, creating the necessary directory, and changing some permissions on the files and directories you create so that the web server can access your web documents. Here are the steps you need to follow.
- Login to a Linux server (such as and open a terminal window. See this article if you're on a Windows computer or this article if you're on a Mac if you need more information about how to do that.
- Create a directory called public_html:
mkdir ~/public_html
- Change the permissions on your home directory:
chmod go+x ~
- Change the permissions on your public_html directory:
chmod go+x ~/public_html
- Place your web files (HTML documents, images, etc.) in this public_html directory. Make sure to change the permissions on web content. Note that file and directory permissions are slightly different:
chmod go+r file.html image.jpg
chmod go+x directoryname
After following these steps, your documents should be available at either/both:
(where username is your Bucknell username and file.html is the name of the HTML file you create).