How do I access my Linux space from a Windows system?

Linux accounts are stored on a file server called unixspace.  To access these accounts from a Windows system:

  1. Open the Windows File Explorer
  2. Right-click on This PC and then left-click on Map network driveā€¦
  3. In the Drive: box, select any available drive letter.
  4. In the Folder: box, type \\\linux-username.$ (where username is your real Bucknell username)
  5. Optionally check the Reconnect at logon button if you wish to have this drive mapped each time you logon to this machine.
  6. Click the Finish button.
  7. If you are prompted for your username and password, please note that you should enter BUCKNELL\username (where username is your Bucknell username) and your normal Bucknell password (same as myBucknell, email, etc.)