Search27 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request or change access to an administrative system (Ascend, Banner, Blackbaud, etc).

Use this form to report an issue receiving an emergency alert from the B-Alert system.

Request assistance with a campus phone, voicemail or University-provided mobile phone.

Request for repairs, toner, staples and paper for Canon Printers

Request a Community Moodle Site

Request assistance with Cognos, EPM/Hyperion, Tableau, or any other enterprise reporting tool.

Request assistance with digital pedagogy or scholarship.

Request assistance with digital pedagogy or scholarship.

Report an issue accessing an e-resource such as online journal, database or ebook.

This includes accounts, passwords, Bucknell-owned computers, student personally owned computers, printers, printing, networking, gaming, office phones, classroom or lab NON emergencies.

Reporting a classroom or event emergency? Call 570-577-3435 immediately.
Reporting an emergency with a service or desktop computer? Call 570-577-7777 immediately.

Request Gladys Brooks funds

Request a Google Group configured as a discussion list, email distribution list, or email alias, or request a new delegated account (shared mailbox), or renew or update an existing delegated account.

Request an ILL (Interlibrary Loan)