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- Knowledge Base
- Software & Services
Install Mathematica for Students
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Network & Office Phone
Apple, Android, and Windows have begun utilizing Randomize MAC Addresses for connecting to each network. In some instances (like devices connecting to bucknell_iot), you must disable the private (randomized) MAC addresses to remain connected to the network.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Computer replacement schedule for faculty and staff computers in academic and administrative departments.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Printers & Printing
Instructions for adding the Follow-me printer to your personally owned windows computer.
- Knowledge Base
- Classrooms, Public Labs, Event Spaces
Lists software installed on Windows, Mac and Linux labs and classrooms as well as the software that can be requested for labs and classrooms.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
Update your devices
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Standard specifications for faculty and staff computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative Systems
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
The windows computer replacement process instructions include what happens on the day of your schedule computer replacement and the software that will be installed.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Personally Owned Computers
The Bucknell laptop recommendations page provides guidance and direction for your laptop buying decision. Click on this article for more information.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Personally Owned Computers
There may be recommendations based on your major. Click on this article for more information.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative Systems
Bucknell requires the use of a secure FTP program in order to access Netspace from off campus. We recommend using NetSarang Xftp. This article describes how to configure Xftp to connect to Netspace.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Windows 11 offers a variety of new design features and performance improvements for the user.