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Install Mathematica for Students
Instructions for emailing students through Moodle.
Instructions for viewing feedback to assignments submitted via Moodle.
We create Moodle course shells for all courses listed in Banner, but the courses are hidden from students. These instructions explain how to make active courses visible to students.
This article explains how to see when a student last accessed your Moodle course.
Instructions for students who need to submit an assignment in Moodle.
One of the most powerful features of Moodle is the Gradebook, in terms of its ability to handle multiple grading scenarios. Click on this article for more information.
Instructions for checking to see if a student is enrolled in a Moodle course.
Students can use Duo SOS to get a one-time emergency passcode. Faculty, staff, and students may stop by the Tech Desk to be issued a code generator during staff hours (ID required).
This article explains how you can see on a single page all the posts by a student to the various forums in your Moodle course.
For instruction on accessing Bucknell resources from off-campus as well as faculty online instruction guides and student resources, follow this ask article.
For more information on resizing your photo for the directory and photo ID, follow this article.
Would you like to be able to print directly to the Follow Me printers from your laptop without having to first download your file, then upload it to Webprint? You can!