Search22 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Standard specifications for faculty and staff computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
Overview of the faculty & staff computer replacement process.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Services
Instructions for setting up your Linux account for displaying web pages.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Services
Instructions for running graphical sessions on the Linux remote servers.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Services
Install Mathematica for Students
- Knowledge Base
- Classrooms, Public Labs, Event Spaces
Lists software installed on Windows, Mac and Linux labs and classrooms as well as the software that can be requested for labs and classrooms.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Instructions for restoring from backups on Linux lab and linuxremote systems.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Instructions for dealing with keyring problems on Bucknell Linux systems.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Services
Software for faculty, staff, and students.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Personally Owned Computers
Instructions for installing Xmanager Power Suite on a Windows computer.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Network & Office Phone
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Instructions for using software on Bucknell Linux systems.