Search22 Results

Standard specifications for faculty and staff computers.
Overview of the faculty & staff computer replacement process.
Instructions for setting up your Linux account for displaying web pages.
Instructions for running graphical sessions on the Linux remote servers.
Install Mathematica for Students
Lists software installed on Windows, Mac and Linux labs and classrooms as well as the software that can be requested for labs and classrooms.
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
Instructions for restoring from backups on Linux lab and linuxremote systems.
Instructions for dealing with keyring problems on Bucknell Linux systems.
Software for faculty, staff, and students.
Instructions for installing Xmanager Power Suite on a Windows computer.
Lists the pre-installed standard software and additional software for self install for Bucknell-owned Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
Instructions for using software on Bucknell Linux systems.