- Knowledge Base
- Academic Technology
Instructions for undocking your blocks in Moodle so that you can view your courses or grades.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Guidance on cleaning and disinfecting Apple and Dell products
- Knowledge Base
- Academic Technology
These instructions explain how to undock a block that has been docked intentionally or accidentally. When the Navigation block is docked, students often report that they can't find their grades. When the Current Course List is docked, the list of courses for the current semester is harder to find.
- Knowledge Base
- Academic Technology
Instructions for undocking a block in Moodle
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
Instructions for restarting a docking station.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers, Printers, Devices
- Bucknell Owned Computers
If you are a mac-book user, click on this article for information on how to remove/add items to your dock.