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Installing Matlab on both Bucknell owned and personally owned computers.
Instructions on how to check if Code42 is backing your computer.
For more information on Code42 Crashplan, click on this article.
Faculty and staff may wish to create a web page to share information about their scholarship, research, or teaching.
The Bucknell Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a tool that allows users to access many of Bucknell’s network resources from a computer that is off-campus. Click on this article for more information
Instructions on how to use Google Drive for Desktop.
Click on this article for information on how to restore your files in Netspace.
Instructions for viewing hidden files on a mac.
Follow-Me Printing is a great system that allows you to print from a variety of computers and then release your print job with your Bucknell ID card. For more information, click on this article.
Instructions for sharing a file using File Locker
Is Duo not working right? We have some tips to troubleshoot those issues.
Computer replacement schedule for faculty and staff computers in academic and administrative departments.
Instructions for adding the Follow-me printer to your personally owned windows computer.
Instructions for adding the FollowMe printer queue to a personal Mac laptop.