How do I run the Reinstall network printers script on a Bucknell-owned Windows computer?


How to reinstall network printers in windows


Users will sometimes need to reinstall their network printers, and we have a script that will do this for them. Some examples of times that this might be necessary include when a department gets a new printer (but the printer queue name stays the same), when a user might be missing options for a printer like stapling,  or when a user might suddenly have trouble connecting to the printer. 

First, run the Make Me Admin app on your computer to make yourself an administrator. 

The script is located in this folder of Netspace: \\netspace\software\windows\software-facultystaff\applications\Software Updates

Copy this string and paste it into the Windows search box on the bottom of your screen, then hit Enter. Double click on the ReInstallNetworkPrinters1.06.exe file. 


When prompted for a username and password, use your own username and password (since you just made yourself an administrator). You should then see a screen confirming your decision to reinstall the printers. Select Yes. 


You'll see a black screen that shows the script is running. Let it run until you see the screen that indicates it is finished. Once you see that, click OK and you're done. 


If you have any questions, please contact Tech Support at 570.577.7777, or at, or submit a ticket at




Article ID: 659
Tue 11/28/23 10:39 AM
Tue 11/28/23 10:43 AM