Please note that we have upgraded our Gradescope integration in Moodle. With our new LTI 1.3 integration, you can create a link directly from Moodle to a specific Gradescope assignment. Please see these instructions (link opens in new window) for that better process of linking your Moodle course to your corresponding Gradescope course.
We are keeping these instructions (below) in case you want to use the older LTI 1.0 integration, which requires you to create a separate assignment in Moodle, link from your Gradescope assignment back to that Moodle assignment, and then hide the Moodle assignment from students.
You can add an "External tool link" within your Moodle course that takes students directly into Gradescope, without their needing a second login. Here is how to add that link:
- Log in to Moodle at, and click on the link for your course in the Current Course List module on the right-hand side of the screen.
- If editing isn't on already, click on the "Turn editing on" button at the top-right corner of the screen.

- Find the topic area where you want to add the link. Click on the "Add an activity or resource" link in the bottom-right corner of that topic area:
Among the grid-like view of activities and resources (listed in alphabetical order), click on the "External tool" link:

For the "Activity name," you might want to type in "Gradescope Link." Then, click on the drop-down for "Preconfigured tool," and click on "Gradescope":

- Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the "Save and return to course" button:

You will now see a "Gradescope Link" icon within that topic area (assuming that was the Activity name you entered). Students click on that link to go directly to Gradescope: