How do I fix slow internet?


If your internet is too slow, click on this article for ways to fix it.


Troubleshooting steps for slow Internet

  1. Have you been using your computer for an extended period of time?
    Try restarting your computer; let it cool down before you use it again. Running your computer for an extended period of time is a bad idea and you should let it get a rest.

  2. Have you recently installed any new applications?
    Often, it is a recently installed application on your computer that is causing the problem. You might not always realize that you installed a program; try going through your list of installed programs to see if you see anything that you do not recognize. Removing the program might help with your problem. Make sure that you are not removing any system files/programs!
  3. Did you recently move to a new location?
    If you are using wireless Internet, the new location might just not have as good of a wi-fi coverage. Your options are to move around to find a better signal, use an Ethernet cable if you are using a computer, or contact tech support if none of the above are helpful.
  4. Do you suspect that your computer is infected with malware?
    Malware infecting your computer could make it slow in general. Make sure that your operating system is updated regularly. There are also a great number of free malware removal tools that you could use to clean up your computer.
  5. Is it only a problem with a certain browser?
    Try clearing the cache and cookies. A toolbar or an extension/add-on might also be creating the problem. Try removing some of these if you recently installed them. Only install what you absolutely need.
  6. Are there more people at home and more devices connected to the Internet?
    If more people are at home and more devices are connected to the Internet than usual you may need to remove some devices from the Internet. You may need to reach out to your provider and upgrade your speed.
  7. Is your router old?
    If your router does not support current protocols then you need a new router. Talk to your Internet service provider (ISP) to see if they can provide you a new one or if they can give you a recommendation for purchasing a new router that is compatible with their service.  

General Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Restart your device.
  2. Pull power from home router for 30-60 seconds and plug it back in.
  3. Forget the network on your computer and re-add it. 
  4. Try another browser.
  5. Ask residents to disconnect devices from the Internet.
  6. Run a virus or malware scan.
  7. Check for updates (OS, application and driver) or application troubleshooting steps (i.e. Zoom troubleshooting)
  8. How to switch the wifi band from 2.4GHz to 5GHz in Windows?

Additional Resources

Off-Campus Options for Internet Connectivity

What are some troubleshooting steps to fix issues when I can’t connect to the network?



Article ID: 247
Thu 1/16/20 3:11 PM
Wed 11/3/21 11:22 AM