This article assumes that you have already read the related article, How do I create a Turnitin assignment in Moodle and/or have already added a Turnitin assignment to your Moodle course. Like the standard Moodle Assignment activity, the Turnitin assignment includes the assignment dates as part of the assignment settings, and it also allows you to edit those dates on the Turnitin assignment summary page. The Turnitin assignment acutally has three dates: the Start Date (when students can actually submit a document to the assignment), the Due Date (your deadline for students to submit the assignment on time), and the Post Date (when your grades/comments are available to students). If you have already created your Turnitin assignment in one of your Moodle courses, here is how you can revise those crucial dates:
- Log in to Moodle at
- Click on the link for your course in the Current Course List module on the right-hand side of the page.
Scroll down in the course until you find the Turnitin assignment.
- If editing is turned on, you will see an "Edit" menu on the far right of the assignment. Click on Edit ==> Edit settings:

- Scroll down to the "Assignment Part 1" section of the settings. By default, Moodle sets the "Start Date" as the day/time that you create the Turnitin assignment. The "Due Date" and "Post Date" are one week after that point. You can click on the various downward-facing arrows to change the date and time values:

Please keep in mind that Moodle uses a 24-hour clock, so (for example) 5:00 PM would be 17:00. We recommend that you avoid using midnight as a time, because students get confused about the actual date the assignment is due. If you want an assignment to be due around midnight, we recommend that you choose 11:59 PM on the night the assignment is due.
The Due Date and Post Date have to be after the Start Date. If you choose a Due Date or Post Date that is earlier than the Start Date, Moodle will appear to accept your submission, but it won't actually change those dates. Instead, it will show an error message in red saying that the Start date must be before the due date or post date (depending on which date is too early).
When you have the dates set correctly, scroll down and click on the