I am getting an error accessing TMA or unable to get signed into TMA

TMA app and link were updated in January 2025. You may experience issues accessing the page from old bookmarks or cached pages. Please see the solutions below if you are experiencing issues accessing the new TMA link.

The new link for TMA is https://bucknell.webtma.com/saml/login.

Clicking the link from an existing bookmark gives an error

If you click on an old bookmark for TMA and you get an error, you will need to edit your existing bookmark with the new link or remove and add a new bookmark by copying or clicking on the new link: https://bucknell.webtma.com/saml/login

Clicking on the Request Service from Facilities on the client portal page in myBucknell gives an error:

If you click on the Request Service from Facilities link from the service request link in MyBucknell or from the client portal https://bucknell.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/39/Portal/Home/ and get an error, please clear cache in your browser and try again.

I am unable to log into TMA using the username and password field:

If your TMA page displays a username and password field, please close the page and click the link again. The page should require you to log in through CAS where you will use your Bucknell credentials or if you have already logged in for the day it will auto-login to TMA.

I am unable to log in through CAS to access TMA or having issues with Duo

If you are having issues logging into CAS, verify your username and password are correct. If you continue to have issues logging in through CAS please submit a Tech Ticket

If you get logged in through CAS & Duo successfuly, but TMA gives an error

If TMA gives an error after successfully logging in with your Bucknell credentials and Duo, please contact facilities at 570-577-1911.