To help you be aware of important religious holidays when scheduling events, our friends in Religious and Spiritual Life have created a special calendar that you can add to your Bmail calendar. Once you have that calendar in your list of calendars, you will be able to see important religious holidays right on your Bmail calendar, which will help you to schedule events that don't conflict with major religious holidays.
There are two different ways to add the calendar to your account. The most simple way to add the calendar is to click on the share link, as we describe here:
- Click on the following link, which should open your Calendar in a a new window or tab:
- Google will ask you to confirm that you want to add that calendar to your account. Click on the "Add" button to accept the calendar:

You will then see "Bucknell Religious Holidays" in your list of "Other calendars." You can skip down to Step 6 in our alternative method below to learn how to change the color of events for that calendar, to make them easier to see.
If clicking on that direct link didn't work, you can also add the calendar as a Resource calendar, as follows:
Go to your Bmail calendar, and scroll down on the left-hand side until you find the "Other calendars" section. Click on the + next to "Other calendars" to begin the process of adding a new calendar to your account:

In the menu that appears, click on "Browse resources":

Scroll down to the bottom of the list of resources, until you find "Other." Click on the downward-facing arrow to reveal the list of "Other" calendars available to you:

In the alphabetical list of calendars, scroll down until you find "Bucknell Religious Holidays," and click on the check box for that holiday:

In the top-left corner of your screen, click on the left-facing arrow next to Settings to return to your Bmail calendar.
The "Bucknell Religious Holidays" calendar will now be included in the list of "Other calendars." You can click on the three dots on the right edge of that listing to change the color of events for that calendar, making them easier to spot:
You will see a pop-up menu with various colors in a grid. Click on one of the colors to display the Bucknell Religious Holidays calendar events in that specific color: