Your digication portfolios are your own and by default are not shared with anyone else. However, we are asking that you do share your portfolio with your academic advisor.
Adjusting Your Sharing Settings
- While editing your portfolio, you first need to click on the hamburger menu located in the top right corner.
- Select Settings
- Click the Edit button next to "Also share with specific people, groups, or courses".
- A search box will appear - use this box to search for your advisor and then select their name. The advisor should remain a Viewer.
Quick Tip: If you don’t remember who your advisor is, log in to Once there, click on the tab Web Tools for Students, then click on Academic Progress Report. Your advisor will be listed at the top of the report.
Your Digital Responsibility
Building and sharing your portfolio comes with some responsibilities that you should take seriously. First is the use of images. It is okay (and encouraged) for you to include pictures you have taken yourself in your portfolio. You own the rights to these pictures. However, when adding images (e.g., photos, drawings, paintings) that you did not create, you must consider who owns the copyright. Just because an image appears on the web does not mean you can copy it and use it in your portfolio. The same applies to all media forms (e.g., video, written work). Even though your site may be private, at some point you may want to make it more public, at which point you would need to track down the copyrights for all of your images. For this reason you should be mindful of what media you include on your site.
A great place to begin looking for images is the Bucknell Image Resource page. Here you can find out more about how to property attribute images and other media, as well as search for images in several databases.
Digication also has a feature that allows you to embed media (e.g., YouTube, Getty Images) as long as you retain the link to the original source. For more information you should see the help page for embedded media.
Second, as a Bucknell student your portfolio is a digital representation of you and must follow all of the same legal and ethical guidelines in the Student Handbook. A summary of the most applicable policies can be found in this quick guide. Your portfolio is a place for you explore, but please be a respectful and responsible member of our community.