The first thing to check is to make sure that you've enabled Polling in your Zoom settings. To do this, go to, sign in with SSO, and go to your settings. Scroll down until you see Polling and make sure that it is Enabled.

If you have enabled Polling, but you're still not seeing the Polls option at the bottom of your screen in Zoom, you may need to change a setting in the way you start your Zoom session. If you're in the Zoom Client (the program that you installed on your computer), where you see New Meeting, you'll see a little down arrow. You'll want to click on the down arrow and change the setting from just Start with Video to Start with Video and Use my personal meeting ID.

If you've already scheduled meetings that don't have the Polling option, you can edit the meeting. You need to do this by going to and going to your upcoming meetings. Click on the title of the meeting and scroll all the way to the bottom - you'll see an option to Add. Once you've added a poll to a meeting, you'll be able to view the Polls options at the bottom of your screen in Zoom for that meeting or class.