DocuSign e-Signature FAQ

DocuSign e-Signature

DocuSign e-signature is a cloud-based e-signature service that allows users to securely sign, initial, and enter other information on an electronic document rather than on paper. It enables the electronic signing of various kinds of documents and streamlining of administrative workflows.  

DocuSign e-signature is new to Bucknell and use cases are being identified as usage expands. 

Benefits of DocuSign e-signature

Faster Signatures: Documents are automatically routed through the signature/approval process which eliminates the need for physically routing the document around. The whole process is completed via a series of emails.

Visibility to the Signing/Approval Process: DocuSign e-signature allows the owner to see where in the approval process the document is and who still needs to sign. It also has built-in reminders delivered via email.

No Scanning/Easy Storage: DocuSign e-signature utilizes electronic documents, eliminating the need to scan and store physical documents.

Accessing DocuSign e-signature

Login to Bucknell’s DocuSign e-signature at

You will then be brought to the DocuSign e-signature homepage. 

If you need to sign a document that has been sent to you follow the Action Required Link. (You should have received an email with a direct link to the document too.)

To see documents you have signed click the Completed link.

If you have a Bucknell document you need to have signed or a form or workflow process you are hoping to streamline please request this service through Library & IT.

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Article ID: 352
Fri 3/13/20 2:55 PM
Sat 3/14/20 1:30 PM