Does it matter if you own a PC or a Mac? We get this question all the time, especially from students planning to major in Engineering or Management.
The Freeman College of Management specifically recommends Windows laptops to its incoming students. This is due to courses and software for all management majors that require Windows computers. Other than the several majors in management, there are no specific requirements in any major at Bucknell to buy a certain type of laptop, and there are faculty members and students in all majors using both Macs and Windows. There are multiple labs across campus available to use specialized software such as Final Cut Pro, Bloomberg, Arc GIS, Solidworks, and MathCad (in many cases, students are not licensed to install certain software on their laptops, so the lab is the only location where the software is accessible).
That said, students should be aware that there are times when having a Mac means that you'll have to go to a lab rather than work on your own laptop. Conversely, there are times when having a Mac might be advantageous in your particular course. Because of the tremendous number of variables, you'll need to decide on your own how important any of these factors might be.