ArcGIS Online & ArcGIS Pro Login Instructions for Bucknell Community


How to login to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro


How to login to Bucknell’s supported web-based GIS tool, ArcGIS Online 

Follow the steps below to log in, or watch How to log in to ArcGIS Online.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to ArcGIS Online website. Click on ‘Sign In’ button in the upper right. 

The ArcGIS Online home page, pointing to the "Sign in " link.


  1. Choose the option to login with your “ArcGIS organization’s URL” , then type “bucknell” into the blank text box. Next, click the  “CONTINUE” button.

The ESRI sign-in options, pointing to the button that says, "Your ArcGIS organization's URL." The ESRI login options, showing the Enterprising login box filled in with ""

          Note: Do NOT click on the Google icon! It won't get you logged in to ArcGIS Online.


  1. In the next window, click the button for signing in Using “BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY”. If you are already logged into B-mail or MyBucknell, clicking this button will take you right into the ArcGIS Online website. If not, you’ll see a Bucknell login prompt. Once you enter your Bucknell credentials, you’ll be taken into the ArcGIS Online website. 

The ESRI login options, showing an Enterprise login button for Bucknell.

How to login to Bucknell’s supported desktop GIS tool, ArcGIS Pro 

ArcGIS Pro authenticates through ArcGIS Online. 

  1. Go to the start menu of your Windows computer and either navigate to the ArcGIS folder or type ‘ArcGIS Pro’ into the search bar. 


  1. Launching the ArcGIS Pro desktop application leads you to the ArcGIS Online sign in page. Follow the ArcGIS Online instructions shown above, starting from step 2.