Using Google Shared Drives


Google Shared Drives (formerly known as Team Drives)  are shared spaces where groups of people can easily store, search, and access their files anywhere, from any device.


While My Drive in Google Drive works extremely well for individuals who would like to store content online, and share that content with others, it offers only limited functionality for groups and teams.

Request a Shared Drive

Google Shared Drives (formerly known as Team Drives)  are shared spaces where groups of people can easily store, search, and access their files anywhere, from any device. As with Drive, you can access files in Shared Drives from your computer using any web browser or you can install the mobile application to access your files from your Android or iOS mobile device. While the files in Google My Drive are owned by the drive owner, files stored in a Shared Drive belong to the team instead of an individual.

Shared Drive is ideal for groups of colleagues who often collaborate on documents together, such as workgroups, committees,  or project teams.  All team members can share in the responsibility of organizing and maintaining the files. Team members can be added or removed from the Shared Drive at any time.  When a team member is removed from the group, all of the files remain in the Shared Drive so that the team can continue to share information and complete the necessary work. (Thanks to Stanford University for  some of this content.)

Some of the distinct advantages of Shared Drives include:

  • Files remain after an employee leaves
  • Files are easier to find by looking in Shared Drives rather than My Drive or Shared with me

How to request creation of a Shared Drive

You can request the creation of a Google Shared Drive through the form located in MyBucknell>Forms and Policies>Library & IT>Technology Forms.

Direct link to the Request a Shared Drive Form

NOTE: Library & IT is in the process of creating Shared Drives for each division and department that currently has a folder in \\netspace\departments. A Shared Drive for each division and department should be completed by the end of September 2020. If your content should be accessible by everyone in your department, you can store it in this Shared Drive.

Questions about using Google Shared Drives? See Google's pages below:

Working with members

Add files and folders

Share and collaborate

Questions about Shared Drives limits?

See Google's page for details on the maximum number of items, maximum uploads per day, folder hierarchy limits, and Shared Drive membership limits

Migrating files and folders from My Drive to a Shared Drive

  • You cannot move a folder directly, so you'll want to create a folder in the new Shared Drive and move single or multiple files into that folder. Be sure to grant permission again if necessary.
  • Ownership of your files that you move to a Shared Drive now changes to the team.
  • If you had previously granted permission to a file to an individual who does not have permission to the new Shared Drive, that person will retain permission to access that particular file (unless you specifically change or revoke that permission).



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Thu 11/21/19 12:59 PM
Fri 5/5/23 10:51 AM