Creating Captions for Audio and Video using Kaltura Reach


Instructions for how to create captions for multimedia within Mediaspace, using the Kaltura REACH service.


Creating Captions


Use your preferred web browser and visit:


Click the Login button in the upper right hand corner. (You must be logged into MyBucknell, if you are not, you will be prompted to do so)


Select <YOUR NAME>, and choose My Media

My Media selection under Name in Mediaspace


Click the title of the video you'd like to caption to bring up the video's player page.

My Media library view with title selected


Now look underneath the video player for the Actions menu on the right-side of your window, and in the drop-down menu, Choose "+ Caption & Enrich".

The Actions menu under the video playerwith captions selected


The next window will present you with different selection options for captioning.

The first option on the top-left includes: the Service menu option.

  • The default service option is Machine, which is the machine-learning option that process the audio into captions with an approximate 80% accuracy rate for English audio.

All users are encouraged to begin captioning with the machine processing service first.

Professional captioning services are available and offer a higher accuracy rate, but the captions take longer to process, AND incur a variable rate fee. Any requests for professional captioning service will be moderated by an email notification to select administrators and approval will be determined accordingly.

Selecting Machine or Professional captioning within Mediaspace


You must next select a language for the captions to be created.

Selecting the language for captioning within Mediaspace


The third option allows you select Captions, which is the only available service at the moment, so no need to change this option.


When you have made your selections, click the Submit button.

The submit button for caption requests in Mediaspace


After you hit submit, a light-blue banner above the window will appear with the following message:

"Your request has been received. Your video will automatically be updated upon completion".

notification banner from caption submission request in Mediaspace

Each respective language you choose for machine-generated captions will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. 

To review the status of your captioning request, click the title of your video from your My Media library. Select the Actions menu under the video player. Select the +Captions & Enrich option, and a pop-up window will appear with the languages you selected for captioning, and their current status.

Caption status window within Mediaspace

Editing Captions

The opportunity to create automated captions is incredibly advantageous to increasing accommodations for accessibility, however automated captions are rarely, if ever, perfect. The  use of machine-created captions is intended to be a starting point for captioning media, and users should expect to review and correct captions using the automated method. To begin that process, follow the steps below.


*** Please note that audio and video to be captioned, will need to be uploaded and processed first, before captioning services can become available.***

Select the video title you wish to edit from your My Media library, open the video's player page and under the video's player, select the Actions menu, and then choose Caption and Enrich.

The Actions menu under the video playerwith captions selected


If you have completed the captions request, the status should change to COMPLETED, with a small blue dot to the left of the status. Next you'll want to select the pencil icon to the right of the completed text.

Captions menu under the video player in the Caption & Enrich menu of Mediaspace


The captions editor window will appear, and you can select the language of the machine-created captions that have completed processing in the top bar of the new window. Captions editor in Mediaspace with Language selection option highlighted


Now you can begin watching the video, and pausing the playback when you need to make corrections.

The right column allows you to start and pause video playback to watch / listen for the audio and correct any caption erros.

The left column is the text, which you can select and make any necessary changes to.

On the left-hand side of the text-editing column, you will see timestamps, which are editable and you can click on the numbers, and make changes if need be, or if you select the first sequence of the numbers, your video will return to that position to allow edits.

Animation of using the Captions Editor within Mediaspace t


The player includes a 5 second rewind, and 5 second forward skip button in addition to play and pause. Play, rewind, and forward buttons on the caption player in Mediaspace.


When you have completed your edits, press the Save button in the upper right corner to save any changes to the captions. You will see a confirmation window, and select Yes to save the latest caption edits. Saving captions in Mediaspace caption editor



Article ID: 452
Wed 7/29/20 1:14 PM
Fri 8/14/20 3:07 PM

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