By default, Moodle forums have optional subscriptions. That means that students can choose to receive email alerts when someone posts to a forum (by subscribing to the forum), but students can also choose not to receive those messages by not changing that forum subscription setting. If a student is not subscribed to a forum, they need to check their Moodle course frequently, especially when the act of posting to the forum (along with reading entries by fellow students) is required by the instructor.
Sometimes, a user's profile automatically subscribes that person to all forums to which they contribute. If you are overwhelmed by the amount of forum-related email messages you are receiving, you can change that setting as follows:
- Log in to Moodle at
- You will see your name in the top-right corner of the screen. Hover your mouse over your name, and click on "Preferences":
- In the "User account" section, click on "Forum preferences."
- On the "Forum preferences" screen, if the "Forum auto-subscribe option" says "Yes: when I post, subscribe me to that forum discussion," click on the drop-down arrow, and change that setting to "No: don't automatically subscribe me to forum discussions." (Note: while you are on that screen, you may want to change the "Forum tracking" setting to "Yes: highlight new posts for me." )
- When you are done making changes, click on the "Save changes" button to send your changes to the server. We have shown those steps (for changing the auto-subscribe option) in the figure below: