You must first request a database on the MariaDB (MySQL) server. You can do so by emailing and explaining a little bit about your project. You will be provided with a database name, username and password that you'll then use to connect to your MariaDB.
Here is the primary information you'll need when connecting to your database:
- Server:
- Database Name: This will be provided to you when your database is created.
- Username: This will be provided to you when your database is created.
- Password: This will be provided to you when your database is created.
Here's an example using the MariaDB (MySQL) command line client:
mysql -h -u username -p databasename
There is also a web based interface (phpMyAdmin) that can help with administration of your database. You can access it here:
You login to this site using your database username and password. You will then see any databases to which this user has access.