How do I submit an assignment in Moodle?


Instructions for students who need to submit an assignment in Moodle.


The Assignment Activity is a frequently used feature in Moodle. It allows faculty members to collect student assignments all in one place, and it time-stamps the assignment to reveal when the document was actually submitted to Moodle. If your instructor has added such an assignment to your Moodle course, you can submit the assignment as follows:

  1. Go to Moodle at, and click on the link for your course in the Current Course List module on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. Within that course, scroll down on the page to the topic area that contains the assignment, and click on the assignment link:

    Assignment Link for "Othello Essay" in a list of other links

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page (if necessary), and click on the Add Sumission button.
  4. You will be taken to a file upload page. In the "File submissions" window, click on the "Add file" icon in the top-left corner, or use "drag and drop" to drag your file from your hard drive (or wherever you have saved it) into the hashed rectangle on the page. You’ll need to open up an Explorer (or Finder) window in order to drag your document into the upload window:

    Two windows open side-by-side, the Moodle window to submit an assignment on the left and a file explorer on the right. An arrow shows moving a file from the file explorer to the Moodle window.

  5. Moodle will put an image of the file in that “File submissions” window. Click on the “Save changes” button to upload your assignment to the server:

    Save Changes button below the file uploader

  6. You will see a Submission status section that will tell you that your file has been submitted for grading:

    Submission status page that says "Submitted for grading" next to the "Submission Status" line.