What do I need to set up in Bucknell Account Management?


Everyone should set up a Recovery Email Address and a Recovery Cell Phone Number in Bucknell Account Management. Click on this article for more information.


Everyone should set up a Recovery Email Address and a Recovery Cell Phone Number in Bucknell Account Management!  Do not wait until you need to change your password or until you forget your password.

  1. Login to Bucknell Account Management.
  2. Accept the Acceptable Use Policy.

  3. You will be prompted to verify your recovery information.

  4. Enter your Recovery Email and Recovery Cell Phone Number.

NOTE: Do not use your Bucknell email address as a Recovery Email.  You must use a personal email address - one that is not managed by Bucknell.



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Wed 12/4/19 3:42 PM
Mon 2/24/20 1:30 PM