How do I see my photo roster in Moodle?


Instructions for viewing the photo roster in Moodle.


Moodle has a custom-programmed Photo Roster tool that allows you to view and to print a photo roster of students enrolled in your course.  To use the Photo Roster Tool:

  1. Go to your course in Moodle, and click on the "Turn editing on" button at the top-right corner of your Moodle page (if editing isn't on already).
  2. On the right hand side of the screen, near the bottom, you should see the Photo Roster block.  Click on the "Photo Roster" link in the middle of that block. 

Photo Roster Link

If you don't see the Photo Roster block, scroll to the bottom of your list of blocks where you see the option to Add a block and select Photo Roster from the drop down menu.

3.  Once you're on the Photo Roster page, you can select different options for the information that you want to see displayed along with the student photos (including student pronouns, not shown in the image below).  When you have chosen those options, click the Generate Photo Roster button.

Select Photo Roster Options

4.  The Photo Roster will display in your browser (in a new window or tab).  Click File ==> Print if you want to print the Photo Roster. Or, use a keyboard shortcut:

  • Windows & Linux: Ctrl + p
  • Mac: ⌘ + p



Article ID: 106
Wed 12/4/19 12:25 PM
Mon 3/13/23 12:19 PM