Report a Campus Phone Issue

Phone logged out?

If your telephone is logged out, the screen will only display a prompt for username. Follow these instructions to log your phone back in.

My phone displays 'Emergency Calls Only'

Unplug the top cable from the back of your phone then plug it back in. Follow these instructions to log your phone back in.

Phone screen blank?

Have you moved offices recently? Perhaps moved your phone to a different jack in the room? Please take note of the jack number you have your phone plugged into and submit a ticket with this information so we can activate the jack for you.

My phone is not ringing and going straight to voice mail

The ‘Send All’ feature was probably set by accident. Look at the bottom of the phone screen and see if the Send All either has a green line above it (9641 set) indicating that feature is set, or a green check mark next to it (9611 set) indicating that feature is set.

Information can be found to disable this feature on page 3 of the Reference Guides

My phone displays Acquiring Service or Limited Service

Unplug the top cable from the back of the phone then plug it back in to see if this resolves the issue. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, did you move recently? To another room, or within the same office and plugged your phone into a different jack? If yes, then please take note of the jack number and submit a ticket with this information so we can activate the jack for you.

My phone number is incorrect in the Online Directory

Please contact Human Resources at x71631.

Phone not working

Please be more specific so we can resolve the issue as soon as possible for you. Do you have a dial tone? No display? Phone not ringing?