What is a Zoom Webinar?

A Zoom Webinar is different from a Zoom Meeting. In a Webinar one or more panelists present content to an audience. The audience members cannot interact with each other and are limited in how they can interact with the presenter.

With a Webinar, you can hold an event. Think of it like having a guest speaker in Trout Auditorium. Someone talks and shares slides, while the audience can ask questions. In a Webinar only the host or panelists can use their webcams and microphones. Everyone else's webcams and microphones are turned off. Attendees use the Question and Answer feature to pose questions. Zoom Webinars can have more than 300 attendees, although you may want to have a Webinar for a small group of attendees.

Zoom Webinar licenses are limited and subject to availability.

A Zoom Meeting, in contrast, is intended to allow the attendees to interact with each other. A Zoom Meeting is appropriate for classes, committees, or departments. Everyone can use their webcams and microphones. Zoom Meetings can have up to 300 participants. All faculty, staff, and students can login to Zoom and create a Zoom Meeting.

If you want to have a webinar for your event, please Submit a Tech Ticket. A staff member from Event Technology Services will consult with you to determine if a webinar is the right tool for your event and if there is an available webinar license.

Learn more about Zoom Webinar from Zoom Help: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/200917029-Getting-Started-With-Webinar

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Thu 5/14/20 2:48 PM
Thu 5/14/20 3:21 PM