How do I create Appointment Slots in my Google Calendar?

Appointment Slots are a Google Calendar feature that is only available to your Bucknell Bmail account. When you use Appointment Slots, you can set up times when you are available and then let your students schedule themselves.

  1. Click and drag on your calendar to select the total appointment time. Enter a title and then click Appointment slots
  2. Select the duration for each slot. Click on More options
  3. If you are creating appointments that will repeat, then select the drop down menu next to Does not repeat
  4. Select the appropriate recurrence schedule. Select an end date. 
  5. Paste the Zoom URL in the Location field. 
  6. Paste the complete invitation in the Description field. Click Save. 
  7. Open the Appointment slot. Locate Go to the appointment page for this calendar. 
  8. Copy the URL at the top of the page.  
  9. Paste the URL into an email message to your advisees. 


Google Calendar Help for Appointment Slots:

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